immersion tactics | dark ecology | film | image | object | Device | performance

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis
A hybrid performance, and a film, pivoting on a multi-level exploration of the North Nordic landscape and the artist’s own personal (un)makings of, and creative responses to, it, in terms of photography, video/audio recordings of various acoustic, electromagnetic, geophysical, and anthropological phenomena, text, stones, seafood, and scientific sonification/visualization of data concerning energy consumption, weather change, seismic activity, fish migration, and spatial distribution of marine population. The project has resulted in a vast database comprising imagery, video, (environmental) audio compositions, objects, textiles, data, and other. Multimedia performances are facilitated through a DIY multimedia instrument development for this particular goal. Eventually, a fully featured 67' long experimental film has been produced employing material from the database.
immersion tactics | dark ecology | film | image | object | Device | performance

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja

A hybrid performance, and a film, pivoting on a multi-level exploration of the North Nordic landscape and the artist’s own personal (un)makings of, and creative responses to, it, in terms of photography, video/audio recordings of various acoustic, electromagnetic, geophysical, and anthropological phenomena, text, stones, seafood, and scientific sonification/visualization of data concerning energy consumption, weather change, seismic activity, fish migration, and spatial distribution of marine population.

The project has resulted in a vast database comprising imagery, video, (environmental) audio compositions, objects, textiles, data, and other. Multimedia performances are facilitated through a DIY multimedia instrument development for this particular goal. Eventually, a fully featured 67′ long experimental film has been produced employing material from the database.

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis

The DIY apparatus illustrated on the left (THEBRICK) emerged as an ad hoc solution to facilitate different live performance scenarios—e.g., audiovisual, audio-only, video-only, multichannel audio, or other—that is, as the means to creatively explore the digital output the various field explorations have resolved into. THEBRICK is a programmable device capable of live video, image, audio, data sonification, and text printouts. It surfaced not so much as a “solution” to presenting multimedia material that relates with the project; but, rather, as an experimental instrument that would allow nonstandard compositional experimentation with them. THEBRICK can be programmed to perform arbitrary tasks with respect to the available inputs, outputs, and hardware controls: eight audio outputs, two audio inputs, one video output, a roll-paper thermal printer, several knobs and buttons, and two LEDs. Performing with THEBRICK then becomes a dynamic and improvised process to manoeuvre the available digital artefacts and the available manipulations thereof in just a few possible fashions.

Exhibitions / Performances / Workshops

Koutsomichalis, M. (2020) Rough-hewn Hertzian Multimedia Instruments. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Birmingham, GB), pp 619-624.

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at Nordic Music Days Bodø, Stormen Kulturhus. Bodø, NO (2019).

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at in-discourse AB. Malmö, SE (2019).

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at DOKK1. Århus, DK (2019).

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at H15. Copenhagen, DK (2019).

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at Nátturðabitin, Nordic House Færoe. Tórshavn, FO (2018).

Sāk vitt ok vītt of verǫld hverja live performance at Sparkling Sound Festival, Dansekapellet. Copenhagen, DK (2018).