
Call for Submissions: AI and Art – Navigating New Creative Landscapes

MADLAB is excited to announce an upcoming exhibition and panel discussion dedicated to the exploration and interrogation of the intersections between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Art.  This event aims to bring together a diverse group of artists and academics to engage in a rich dialogue about the evolving role of AI in the art world. The workshop will comprise two main components: an exhibition of works and a panel discussion, providing a platform for both theoretical exploration and practical demonstration of AI's capabilities and implications in artistic practices.


We invite artists and academics to submit their work for consideration. We are looking for contributions that resonate with one or more of the following themes:

  • The Role of AI in Contemporary Art Creation: Submissions should explore how AI technologies are integrated into the art-making process, challenging traditional notions of authorship and creativity. We welcome works that demonstrate innovative uses of AI in visual art, music, performance, and more.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI-Generated Art: We seek contributions that address the complex ethical landscape of AI in art, including issues related to intellectual property, authenticity, and the cultural implications of AI-generated works.
  • Human-AI Collaboration in Artistic Processes: Submissions should highlight the collaborative potential between artists and AI, showcasing how such partnerships can push the boundaries of creativity and lead to novel artistic expressions.
  • The Impact of AI on Art Curation and Consumption: We are interested in works and papers that examine how AI is transforming the curation, distribution, and consumption of art, and its implications for the future of art experiences. AI's Contribution to Sustainable Art Practices: Contributions should explore how AI can promote sustainability in art, whether through digital mediums that reduce material waste or through AI's role in art conservation and preservation.
  The event will facilitate engaging discussions, provide networking opportunities, and offer a stage for presenting cutting-edge research and artistic practices that sit at the intersection of AI and art. Selected works will be featured in the exhibition, and authors may be invited to participate in the panel discussion to share their insights and experiences.  

Submission Guidelines:

• Artwork submissions should include a detailed description of the work and its relevance to the chosen theme(s), along with high-quality images or other relevant media.

• Please include a brief bio and a statement outlining your interest in the intersection of AI and art.


Important Dates:

• Submission Deadline: 30th of April

• Workshop Date: June 21st to June 23rd

• Submissions and inquiries should be sent to doros.polydorou@cut.ac.cy


Call for Submissions: AI and Art – Navigating New Creative Landscapes

MADLAB is excited to announce an upcoming exhibition and panel discussion dedicated to the exploration and interrogation of the intersections between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Art.  This event aims to bring together a diverse group of artists and academics to engage in a rich dialogue about the evolving role of AI in the art world. The workshop will comprise two main components: an exhibition of works and a panel discussion, providing a platform for both theoretical exploration and practical demonstration of AI’s capabilities and implications in artistic practices.


We invite artists and academics to submit their work for consideration. We are looking for contributions that resonate with one or more of the following themes:


  • The Role of AI in Contemporary Art Creation: Submissions should explore how AI technologies are integrated into the art-making process, challenging traditional notions of authorship and creativity. We welcome works that demonstrate innovative uses of AI in visual art, music, performance, and more.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI-Generated Art: We seek contributions that address the complex ethical landscape of AI in art, including issues related to intellectual property, authenticity, and the cultural implications of AI-generated works.
  • Human-AI Collaboration in Artistic Processes: Submissions should highlight the collaborative potential between artists and AI, showcasing how such partnerships can push the boundaries of creativity and lead to novel artistic expressions.
  • The Impact of AI on Art Curation and Consumption: We are interested in works and papers that examine how AI is transforming the curation, distribution, and consumption of art, and its implications for the future of art experiences. AI’s Contribution to Sustainable Art Practices: Contributions should explore how AI can promote sustainability in art, whether through digital mediums that reduce material waste or through AI’s role in art conservation and preservation.


The event will facilitate engaging discussions, provide networking opportunities, and offer a stage for presenting cutting-edge research and artistic practices that sit at the intersection of AI and art. Selected works will be featured in the exhibition, and authors may be invited to participate in the panel discussion to share their insights and experiences.


Submission Guidelines:

• Artwork submissions should include a detailed description of the work and its relevance to the chosen theme(s), along with high-quality images or other relevant media.

• Please include a brief bio and a statement outlining your interest in the intersection of AI and art.


Important Dates:

• Submission Deadline: 30th of April

• Workshop Date: June 21st to June 23rd

• Submissions and inquiries should be sent to doros.polydorou@cut.ac.cy